chasing asphalt rainbows week 2 gif

Asphalt Rainbows are unexpected reminders that beauty cannot and will not be contained…

Murals. Tags. Pasteups. Slaps. After getting lost on the streets of New York City and beyond, here’s this week’s throwbacks and finds from my explorations in the ever-changing world of urban art… A look back at my time spent chasing Asphalt Rainbows.

Wishing a Happy Birthday to Donatien Alphonse François the Marquis de Sade (born June 2, 1740)???. This Week’s Caps | Jef Aerosol, sMacVision, Stikman, HISS, HomoRiot, Jay Riggio and more…

Catch more CM street art finds on Instagram. (Follow us here.)

@c_3 also hanging in Freeman’s Alley #streetart #graffiti #pasteups #wheatpaste #les #nystreetart #urbanart

A photo posted by Charenton Macerations (@cm_fragrance) on

Asphalt Rainbow – So Like a Rose…

??? discover the beauty of the flower you know turned inside out. ???

Asphalt Rainbows

Chasing Asphalt Rainbows | Roseshards Found Art Galleries

Thinking about creating art for indoor museums or galleries, with their climate-controlled viewing environments and their never-to-be-disturbed curatorial displays, produces a particular type of artwork and with it, what has been criticized as being a very constrained approach to furthering our understanding of art technique and design: the problem of “everything studied from upon a pedestal and beyond disturbance.” But isn’t art about so much more? This is a post chock-full of things meant to challenge what (and where) people think about art.

These photo galleries are most definitely not about museum work. These posts are instead dedicated to the nocturnal musings from those shadowy anonymous figures who for generations have dared to look beyond the confined walls of these socially acceptable display spaces. Follow them as they journey out into the streets of the world in search of new creative outlets and alternative means of expression. Like fragrance, this is the realm of misunderstood and misfit outsider art, often of the ephemeral variety. Here is where fragrance leaves the sheltered spaces of confined beauty counter life and embraces the madness of urban olfaction.

Street art, urban art, graffiti… whatever name you know it by, whatever style your preference… this is work that sets its sights at deliberately disobeying the rules of conventional wisdom and willfully challenges the establishment’s hold on expertise; it is comprised of those wonderfully, weird unexpected acts and encounters that regularly disturb our traditional ways of thinking… some inspirational outdoor food for thought.

[All photos taken by Charenton Macerations unless otherwise indicated.]

??? Chasing Asphalt Rainbows Gallery Archives ???
??? More from the Olfactive Narrative of Asphalt Rainbow ???

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